Crinkled Oranges

Monday, January 5, 2009

New Year's Resolution

Well, I've already broken my new year's resolution. I guess it wasn't really a resolution, but rather an idea that sounded good. My daughter ordered a Creating Keepsakes kit that allows space for a picture and a journal entry for each day of the year. Hey, that sounded like a good idea for my blog. Nothing earth shattering or important, but rather a picture or word that represented the day. Well, it's January 5, and I'm a little behind. I'll do a little catch-up.

January 1, the day after my 55th birthday. It can't get any better for a birthday than to have my husband, daughters, son-in-laws, and all my grandchildren here together. Here are a few pictures of the day.

On a slow day in January, I'll write about the Christmas Season of 2008, which was full of surprises and much joy. Just to give a hint: these three packages arrived two days before Christmas when I was not expecting them until after Christmas!

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