Crinkled Oranges

Friday, January 9, 2009

January 9, I'm thankful for . . .

Today I am thankful for cell phones and yoga.

An interesting combination, I know. Grateful for Yoga because I felt better going and doing it than I have all week. I learned something, also. In yoga when you have a cold it is best to do poses that open up your chest. That makes a lot of sense, but is just the opposite of what you naturally want to do when you don't feel well. At least what I want to do is curl up into a ball. But, actually, you do feel better when you expand your chest. A lesson learned today about more than yoga.

As for cell phones, Gary's car broke down and I had to tow it. I HATE doing things like that because I feel such uncertainty on what I should do. However, with my cell phone on speaker and Gary on the line in the car being towed behind me, he was able to coach me on what to do and reassure me I was doing great. I think there is another lesson learned today about more than just towing and cell phones, and more about keeping the lines open.

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