Crinkled Oranges

Thursday, January 22, 2009


Transcript of conversation between me and two friends last night at 9:30 pm:

Friend: "What are you looking for, Annette?"
Annette: "I can't find one of my lovelies.
I think I must have dropped it somewhere."

(Papers shuffling, sorting through garbage can)
Friend: "Maybe I didn't make enough lovelies."
Annette: "I'm pretty sure I had 5 lovelies,
but I can only find 4."

(more shuffling through papers on the table)
Friend: "Here are the Happy Birthdays, but I don't see any more lovelies."
Annette: "I don't know, maybe I did only have
4 lovelies to begin with."

(shuffling through zip lock bags and more papers)
Friend: "Oh, here is another lovely."
Annette: "Oh, I guess I did only have 4 lovelies."
Friend: "It's a good thing no one is listening to this conversation or they might wonder about us."
Annette: "I am most definitely wondering about us."

All in all we had a

evening together making these cute paper projects,

even if I was a little delirious.

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

that cracked me up. . . I had no idea what you were talking about until I scrolled down to the pics. Very cute projects. I wish I was there for the fun of those card nights. I've seriously thought about starting one up here, but just haven't had the effort to make it happen. I know I'd have fun, but then again, it's just one more thing! love the lovelies. Tiff