Crinkled Oranges

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Some people

wouldn't call what we did today a vacation at all.  Having a a "Preparation" day, where Gary works on Income Tax and I work on getting up to date with paper piles, could sound pretty boring.   But for us it was great.  Given the opportunity to go thrill seeking or to "get things in order," we are pretty much on the same page on what we choose.   We did have some excitement when the mail came.  Gary came in carrying these exciting items, saying, "I'm Flying."
The "decluttering kit" and cleaning brushes I had ordered from "Flylady" came today.  Just in time for our "Spring Fling" tomorrow.  (Don't worry, I haven't used the toilet boil cleaner yet that Gary is using as a toothpick.)

We did go out a couple of times.  I went to Yoga, Gary went to the Gym, We both went to dinner at Maglebys Fresh.

 Then, it was back to the grindstone for Gary while
I went to my card class.

Here is tomorrows itinerary:
Wednesday, April 7

“Spring Fling and Wing-it”

8:00 am Family Room/Office Fling
Toss, Toss, Toss (old, unused, outdated Papers, books, electronics)

1:30 Lunch at Chef’s Table
(Compliments of Gift Certificate from Greg And Charlene)

3:00 D.I. Drop Off, Get papers shredded

5:00 Spring “Winging It”
 (buying or doing whatever we want with $50 each)
(judging by the weather forcast, it will probably be inside)

Get one more movie in since we only got 1 in on Monday.


allison nadauld said...

I love Magelby's Fresh. Miss it. Your plans are so creative. Do you think the decluttering gift is kind of an oxymoron? Cute.

Tom Anderson said...

I must say that is not the vacation I would want. To each his own.

Misty B. said...

I love it! I'm definately your child.