Crinkled Oranges

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

"Reinforced Behavior Patterns"

Misty took Marshall into the Doctor today because she thought he might have an ear infection.  He has been very needy and screams when she leaves the room.  The Dr. checked his ears, and everything else, and said he is perfectly healthy.  (He's 8 months old and weighs 20 pounds.)  When she asked what could be making him act this way, the Dr. said it could just be some "reinforced behavior patterns." 

When Misty told me that we both laughed.  I asked if perhaps that was just a politically correct way of saying "he's spoiled."  She agreed it was.  Which is what he deserves to be.  He's my adorable youngest grandchild.  Here he is with me and Lucienne, who is 8 months older but weighs about the same as he does, at the reunion this summer.

 I wish I were nearby all of my grandchildren
so I could help "reinforce their behavior patterns."  


Tiffany said...

Ha! I love it. I'm regrettably finding that my children have many reinforced behavior patterns. And yes, Lucienne weighs 21 lbs, so she's got a pound on Marshall. But are we sure they are the same race? Check out their skin tones!

Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

You do that to everyone else, you really do. I love it.

A very spoiled visiting teacher person...what exactly are those people we visit called anyway?