Crinkled Oranges

Saturday, September 5, 2009

At what point do you

"cut your losses"
and call it good.

Last night I decided that since I needed to bake a cake for the funeral luncheon today, I may as well make the dozens of cupcakes that I need to make for a wedding next week.

So, why don't I just 6 times the recipe?
That way I can accomplish both tasks.

All was fine until I heard a horrible "clunk"
in my bosch machine.
There were only 12 cups of sugar,
10 cups of flour, 3 cups of cocoa,
and 6 cups of buttermilk in it.

Am I asking too much of this machine?

I opened the overflowing bowl to find the housing
of the beaters cracked in 3 places.

Could I still salvage the batter?

I searched through the messy batter
to find the broken parts.
I really, really didn't want to throw it away.
But after super-gluing the pieces
I had dug out the batter
(to see if I had them all),
I realized that there could still be
slivers of plastic left in it.

How would I feel if someone
eating a cupcake bit into a sliver of plastic?

Yes, it was time to
"cut my losses"
and call it good.

Will I ever ever ever learn?

(You'll notice that a picture of the
whole kitchen is conveniently missing)


Tiffany said...

oh mom. wow. wish I could have been there. really the best part about it is that you superglued the pieces together. can you blame your poor machine? it finally just said "enough is enough." good luck. love you!

Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

Oh, Annette. You didn't tell me this part of the story. I'm so sorry! You are such a good woman, you only focused on the good part, the part where Beth would have loved the fudge frosting. I would have said, "Oh woe is me, you'll never believe the trouble I've had." In fact my blog tonight is about that very thing. I feel like a miserable complainer. You get the blue ribbon for a good attitude!

Anonymous said...

hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....