Crinkled Oranges

Monday, November 23, 2009

Good Intentions

I had good intentions today.   Then I had work come in, which is great, but it took my whole day.  Then after dinner, I even got ready to go to the gym.  (It's pretty evident that the little stars have been missing at the bottom of my blog since I went to Oregon).    But even after I got my coat on and convinced Gary to come with me, I changed my mind.  I just didn't have it in me.   My sinuses are clogged and I have a sinus headache.  My foot is still tender.  Excuses, excuses, excuses.   

I'll go to bed early so I feel like going to yoga tomorrow.


Laura said...

Ooow! Your foot looks sore. Stay off of it, apply ice, and tell Gary to be nicer to you than he was to my mom when she fell down her stairs. Women should not have to "gut it up."
Ha ha!

Angie Crompton Murphy said...


Your foot looks painful. I hope that you are taking care of it. Glad your back and look forward to seeing you Thursday.

Tom Anderson said...

Thanks for sharing your cold. I always thought that sharing was one of your most admirable qualities. Thanks again for a really fun time. Love Tom

tingey said...

AAA......out of bed before 8:00. This I got to see?