Crinkled Oranges

Saturday, November 28, 2009


Nick and Carrie stayed here on Tuesday night with their adorable daughter, Ruby, she was a little shy and wanted only to be with Mom and Dad.  Nick was looking at my swollen foot, and said that when he was on the track team and had a sprained or swollen foot, that they would rub it to release the toxins and get circulation going.  He had me lay down so he could rub my foot.  That is a long lead in to my main point.

As he started rubbing my foot, Ruby didn't like it and started fussing and rolling on the floor,  She was close by me, so I started rubbing her back.   It was so cute.  Even after Nick left the room, she stayed close enough to me so I could keep rubbing her back.  She didn't look at me the whole time, but she would roll to one side, then another, then sit up, then lay back down.  If she rolled so far away that I couldn't reach her, she would scoot herself back. This continued for more than twenty minutes.

I loved it.  Her grandpa, our friend Matt, died before she was born, and as I was rubbing her back I felt like I was doing it for him.   It was just one of those moments.  

Gary captured it from around the corner with this picture.



Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

I love this story. Except the hurt foot part. Gary did a good job--I hope you will put this in your personal history.

tingey said...

Never in my life did I ever think I would say this......I miss Matt, and hope he is doing good. Its hard when good friends face hard discissions in there life and you can't be there to help them? Thanks Annette, for helping his grandkids.......Oh and by the way if you want the swelling to go down in your foot "PUT ICE ON IT"