Crinkled Oranges

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Brownie Pop Turkeys and Acorns

Remember these?

I'm going to a cookie exchange tonight for a Relief Society mini class.  Everyone is supposed to bring 2 dozen cookies and then we'll come home with 2 dozen other cookies.

I've decided that as much as I like chocolate, that I don't like working with melted chocolate.  You have to be patient.  You have to not be messy (an impossibility for me).

So, I would do the acorns again  -- so easy.  Just melt caramel and dip the ends in them then roll in nuts.

The turkeys were a pain and not so cute

Just use your imagination, please!

I love autumn colors.

I'll take pictures of the cookies I bring
home and post them tomorrow.

(PS: Tom, I'm really not trying to derail you in healthy eating, I just happen to be baking a lot right now.)



Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

I keep going upstairs and having a bit of that acorn cookie. It's so wonderful. I can't even imagine how decadant that Turkey is going to be. What a lot of work!

Thanks you, Annette for doing everything over the top. I know you live your spiritual life the same way.

whirligigdaisy said...

These look so yummy. If I still lived near Lynne I'd go to her house and ask for a bite.

Mark and Stacey Roylance said...

those look so cute and yummy! you are so creative! once im feeling a little better im going to try and steal some of your cute recipes and try them out!