Crinkled Oranges

Sunday, November 8, 2009


Today has been a very sweet day.
We were released as a Primary Presidency
and a new group of women were sustained.
We gave our last sharing time and were
able to connect with the children and share
our testimonies one last time.

We met here tonight with the new Presidency.
We explained the different programs
and responsiblilites 
and some of the things we have learned.
It is really very inspiring in the church to see
how smoothly there is a transition from one
set of leaders to another.
It is also inspiring to see how willingly
people accept the new responsibilities.
Even when it may feel overwhelming.

In addition to getting to know the children,
the thing I have enjoyed most about this calling
is my friendships with the
women in the Presidency.
I've gotten to know women I didn't know at all,
or knew only slightly, before that time.
Each has a different set of gifts and talents
and I've learned much from them.
We started with Helen as secretary,
and then Venise was secretary.
When they got called to other positions, 
Amy was called as secretary,
Pam and Elizabeth have been in the whole time.
They have all been wonderful.

I'm very grateful for these friends.

There is one thing I won't miss about this calling,
and that is being the president,
or the person in charge.
I'm really not comfortable being in charge.
Give me an assignment,
and I'll run with it.
But, I don't like to make 
final decisions or be responsible
for deciding things that impact other people.

So, tell me what to do,
and I'll do it.

Unless I don't want to.
(that was for Gary)


Tom Anderson said...

That last part sounds vaguely familiar, you know, about doing what you are asked except when asked by certain people (person). On to a new adventure in church. Whatever you do you will do well.

Angie Crompton Murphy said...

those kids were lucky to have you. hopefully we'll see you at thanksgiving.

tingey said...

Hey Annette......It might be helpful if you would put the name's with the face's. For us poor dumb sap's that don't know your president'see.