Crinkled Oranges

Monday, June 14, 2010

Pictures that

Involve the senses.

I was watching a segment on "Studio 5" today where a photographer was talking about taking photos of images that bring to mind the five senses: sight, smell, touch, hear and taste.   Basically, she was saying that we should take pictures in such a way that when we see them we also remember the smell or taste, etc. 

The last few days I've been thinking of how the sense of smell brings back memories.  I've been making suckers (for a Relief Society activity) for the first time in years.  The scents of cinnamon and root beer have been permeating the house and my clothes.  It takes me back to a time about 30 years ago when I made suckers nearly every day. That is when we lived in our house on 300 West.  Gary was selling the suckers at Provo High as a fundraiser for the baseball team.   I love the smell.  It's also bringing back a sense of touch that I don't love-- very sticky counters and floors.  As you can see from this picture, I do not have it in my DNA to cook in a tidy way.  The syrup does not always go where it is supposed to.

 It certainly does bring back memories.

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