Crinkled Oranges

Tuesday, June 15, 2010



I just did it again.

I was booking the flight for Dan to come out to our reunion in August.  Except I booked it on the wrong date.

Here is the deal.  We are flying one way out to Missouri on July 20 (I think), staying there for 5 days, and then driving Misty and the kids here.   Dan started a new job and can't take as much time off, so that is why we are driving them -- so we can play here for a week before the reunion.    Then Dan is flying in for the reunion and driving back with them.

Except I just booked his flight a week earlier than I should have.  So I went in and changed that flight to the correct date, August 4 (I sincerely hope that is the right date). 

Now I need to stop blogging and make sure The flights I booked for us going out to Missouri are on the day and year they should be.  I'm almost afraid to look.

Why do I keep doing this to myself?
Would someone please take over these duties for me?
Could it just be a subconscious effort to get out of travel responsibilites?
Am I just extremely "calendar challenged?"
Could I just be losing my mind?
Some may ask, "Did I have one to begin with?"

These are things that inquiring minds want to know.
I'm not so sure I want to have an inquiring mind.
I'm afraid of what it will tell me.


Unknown said...

I only chart $50.00 per hour as a travel agent.... I laughed out loud.

Tom Anderson said...

Very good Annette. I laughed and laughed. You should be a stand up comic.

Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

Oh, Annette. I'm sorry to be laughing, I really am. Hey, I don't do numbers, if that makes you feel any better. I have to look up EVERYBODIES phone number and if I wait fifteen seconds before dailing I have to look it up again. I don't even know my cell phone number. If I traveled I'd end up in China or at least China town.

Misty B. said...

If someone else did our bookings then we wouldn't have so much fun!

Marci said...

That is funny. However, I am so excited that the Bishop clan is coming to Bear Lake!!