Crinkled Oranges

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

I'm truly enjoying

having my daytime hours free again.  I went to yoga for the first time in 2 months.  I've been able to check a few things off my long list of things to do. The garden and flowers are planted (in between rain storms).  I've turned the TV on some, but then I just want to turn it off and enjoy the quiet.   I've talked with friends and gone visiting teaching.  I've taken a nap.   Sometimes it takes going without something (like free days) to appreciate it more when you have it again.

Happy thoughts:  We visited Gary at the hospital and he was doing very well.  We leave for Missouri on Friday and are excited to spend time with the Bishop family and grandchildren.  (Hopefully there will be no more tornado's.  The devastation in Joplin Missouri is so sad).

And, as a last thought.  Sometimes I forget who may be reading these blog entries.  Then when I hear from someone, I feel kind of embarrassed by some of my silliness or my thoughts or my issues.   So, if you are reading this, just know that it makes me happy that you care enough to read about what is happening in our lives.  Sometimes I wonder why I do it at all.   But there is something driving me.  Maybe it is the need to connect with you.

But, I have one request.  
Please don't hold anything I 
do, write, think, or feel against me.
I'm still trying to figure it all out,
and writing about it is (kind of) helping me do that.
Besides, it does a person good to laugh
at themselves once in a while.


Unknown said...

I love your blog!!!! So keep writing.

Have a fun, safe trip to Missouri.

Tom Anderson said...

I love your blog also. Keep writing like Charlene said. I look forward to following your life and those of your family. Writing clarifies my thinking as well. I don't know who may have been offended by your blog but it was not me and I don't know how anyone could be. If they are, that is their problem. Keep writing what you think and feel, it is refreshing.

Angie Crompton Murphy said...

I read your blog all the time and love to hear your perspective on life. Have a good time in Missouri and hopefully we will see you before we move.
