Crinkled Oranges

Friday, May 20, 2011

Some of

the thoughts copied  from the white board at our Relief Society Activity on Tuesday.

"Your house is your home only when you feel jurisdiction over the space".  Joan Kron

"Have nothing in your homes that you do not know to be useful and believe to be beautiful."  Willilam Morris

"Work is love made visible."
Our friend and ward member, Lisa, gave us an inspiring, informative, and also very entertaining presentation on cleaning, organizing, simplifying, and  " hating cleaning less."  Here is a link to her blog where she has shared her ideas:    Lisa's Practical Tips

What I came away with was a greater desire to be more "deliberate" in creating spaces in my home that are clean and beautiful.  She asked us to acknowledge the biases, traps, and weaknesses we have that keep us from creating the kind of home we want.  Here are some of mine:  Feeling overwhelmed (instead of just doing it).  Holding on to things I don't particularly care for or use, thinking that I might need it some day.  Collecting more of things I like, even when I do not have the space or need for it.   Buying things that are a great price, even if it doesn't fit into my ideal space.  Organizing "stuff" and trying to find a place for it, instead of "making a place" for the things we love and use.      

Bottom line is, I love having a clean and orderly home, but I don't particularly love the work it takes to make it that way.  Most of us don't.  But, Lisa presented ways to make it "sweet," by engaging the 5 senses and just changing out attitudes about it.   I need to go re-read her blog every week, just to get inspired all over again.   

Mom approached homemaking that way.  She would do her work, and then spend the rest of the day doing things she enjoyed, like reading,doing handwork, and visiting with people.   Her attitude was, if it needs to be done, do it.   Whereas, I tend to put off doing the housework or procrastinating what needs to be done.  But when I do that, I don't relax or enjoy what I'm doing, because in the back of my mind I'm worrying about the essential things I'm procrastinating.   Wouldn't you think I would have to figured out at my age?  Oh, well.

PS:  The cupcakes got delivered with no mishaps.  I'm feeling very relieved.

1 comment:

Tom Anderson said...

Two comments. Regarding the housework. I have found that when "I don't do it" it just gets done anyway!!! Secondly, your chocolate cupcakes spoke to me--and the words were sweet.