Crinkled Oranges

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Transferring Purses

We sent Misty a purse for her birthday in August.  I bought it, took a picture of it, and emailed the pictures to Misty to see if she liked it.

shown here: 

She did. 

A few days after her birthday when I talked with her she said she really liked it, but that she hadn't had time yet to change from her old purse to the new one.  She also told me that Lydia was very concerned that Misty was going to do that while she was at school. 

I totally understand your concern, Lydia.
Lydia had commented to Misty that the best part of
getting a new purse was transferring everything
from the old one to the new one.
I could not agree more.
I had a hard time not wanting to
organize it for Misty,
and I didn't even have the "stuff"
she was going to put in it.

Let's just say that in anything pertaining to purses
these 3 generations think alike.
There is just something about bags and purses.
As far as I'm concerned,
you can never have too many.
You must have every conceivable
size ready for every
conceivable use you might have.
I am still on a quest for the perfect purse,
but I haven't found it yet. 
I'll let you know when I do.

I'm way too lazy today to take pictures
of the numerous bags and purses
hanging over the back of two of the
upstairs bedroom doors.
But just ask Gary,
he'll verify that I have one
for every possible scenario.

On second thought, maybe you shouldn't.


tingey said...

Did Misty check to see if she had outfits that would complement the purse? OH, and lets remember that we all have to be there when the purse changes. Did you check with Tiff to see if she is free? And for heaven sakes lets not forget Nat. Great blog AAA......just my thing?

Tom Anderson said...

I totally understand. I feel the same way about my purses.

Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

So, that cute red purse that you had at the Friday night Conference meeting was just one of dozens? Amazing. Are they all that cute. Where do you shop for them?

Tiffany said...

This is one trait I did not inherit from you! It took me a good 8 years to finally get rid of my grey diaper bag as my main purse. Thanks to you I now have my cute red purse which I get a million compliments on. But it will probably be around for another 8 years! I don't think Eliza will have the purse fettish either. . .Annie, maybe. Love you!

Misty B. said...

I did wait for Lydia so she could be there when I switched it over! And she thoroughly inspects my purse often. I can't hide anything in it!