Crinkled Oranges

Thursday, December 24, 2009


my computer shows the time as 12:01, so I guess technically I missed a day of posting.  But, I'm not going to be technical.  It's been a busy day.  Tiffany went to Yoga with me.  We took the kids to the library. We did our annual family shopping at the mall where we split up and buy a gift for the people that aren't with us (usually boys and girls, but since the girls out number the boys this year, Eliza went with the boys.)  Then we went to Pirate's Island, a new restaurant and game arcade type place.  Then Tiffany and I went to Costco.  Then we got the kids to bed and went downstairs to wrap gifts.   And that is why I'm now posting my December 23 post at 12:04 am on December 24.

1 comment:

tingey said...

When BYU plays basketball sometimes they would start at 9:00 pm on a saturday night, and the game would run past midnight? Does this mean that they played on Sunday which would be considered breaking the sabbath? You say patato, and I say potato, and have a very merry christmas and to all "GOOOOOOOD NIGHT"