Crinkled Oranges

Monday, June 8, 2009

Almost Forgot

I almost forgot to do my blog tonight.
I'm tired and started off to bed before I remembered.
Now, that would have been inexcusable.

I can't keep my commitment to eat healthy every day.
How could I, with so many cupcakes around?
(and no, Duke, the cupcake theme will never exhaust itself)

Exercise every day?
No, though I'm doing better.

Spend time reading my scriptures and
developing spiritually?
Unfortunately that is still a work in progress.

Wake up early,
jump out of bed and tackle the world
(or at the very least my house).
Definitely not an every day occurrence.


by golly
I can keep my commitment to
make a blog entry every day.
Even if I write about absolutely nothing in it.

Good Night.


Misty B. said...

Sometimes the nothing entries are the best kind! Love, Misty

tingey said...

I guess you didn't look at your facebook wall. If you go there you will see.......I love this blog. and your friendship, you and gary are the best.