Crinkled Oranges

Sunday, June 14, 2009

I can hardly take the pictures

I'm laughing so hard.

and Natalie is literally rolling on the floor.

I don't know what I did wrong.
I think I must have put the back and the front
pieces together backwards or something like that.

Why, oh why?

This time I bought every size of every pattern
so I wouldn't be guessing on sizing.
(the patterns were on a great sell for 99 cents each)
And yet I'm still having issues.
Sometimes I really wonder about myself.

(By the way, Tiff, these are women's medium
and are supposed to be yours.)


Tiffany said...

Oh Mom!!!!!!!!! I was laughing so hard that Justin asked "are you o.k. Tiff?" He thought I was crying. He said you must have got the medium woman pattern mixed up with the medium horse pattern. Can't wait to saddle up and put those on!!! Classic. Classic.

Pam's Place said...

I needed that laugh!

(Gary is such a good sport.)

Astromom said...

made me laugh.

Angie Crompton Murphy said...

that is hilarious. i was laughing so hard. can i order some?


Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

Oh give me a home,
Where the buffalo roam,
And Natalie rolls on the floor.

Where seldom is heard,
A discouraging word,
'Cause the cowboy's wife's done it again.


Gary said...

I don't get it????

I thought they fit just fine.

What is everyone laughing about????

Misty B. said...

Ok, so that's pretty funny mom! Maybe you need to stash this project with the mumu's! I'm afraid if you continue with this one you'll be up 'till midnight all week before you come out! Of course, matching jammies do fall in the "you know your an Ashton if . . ." category!

Tiffany said...

Hi grandmeema! This is your posting elizaboo hear. You now the picher of nat on the floer? Well gess wut? I thot that nats body wus a pilloe case and that nats hare wus a ded small hary dog. I now it sonds werd but say this to nat...... NO EFENTS BUT IT IS TROU! see you rill soon!
Liza Boo