Crinkled Oranges

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Rain in the Garden

We have been having a record-breaking rainy June. (Oops, I just saw the 10 pm news. It isn't record breaking. It is the 13th most rainy June)

I actually love it. I've always liked rainy days. I remember telling Mom that I wanted it to rain on my wedding day. (It didn't)

When I first started gardening I took pictures of every section of the yard once a month. That way I could gauge the progress and know what the perennials would be like the next year. I've relaxed from that a lot. I haven't even planted any new perennials in the last few years. Here are a few pictures taken today from under the carport (since it was raining and wet).

Wild roses that overtake the lilac bush
I'll be happy when the tree that we planted
two years ago (in honor of our friend, Matt)
covers up the chicken shed next door!
More back yard shots
Where our bunny, Cotton, is buried.
(I'll have to do a whole blog entry on our bunny)
The annuals in front
Pretty boring.
But I want to keep a little bit of garden


duke said...

Rain on your wedding day? I think that is alittle weird AAA. That is my new nick name for you, Annette Anderson Ashton or AAA. It is the triple AAA of the blog circuit. Thank you for planting a tree for Matt. I wish I would have done the same!

Astromom said...

I love your garden, your yard it is beautiful. I love walking by your house as we take our walks around the block and that is just the front yard.