Crinkled Oranges

Friday, August 7, 2009

As Annie Pie would say . . .

Ta Da!
I didn't even need to buy any new baskets.
Just relocated them from around the house.
(I'm sure that doesn't come as a big surprise)

I'll put pictures of my beautiful grandchildren
on the magnet board.

Gary's quality floor job.

Random comments:

Annette: Well, after all that, it turned out well.
Gary: Yeah, It's kind of like having a baby. When you're in the middle of labor you're wondering why you're doing it. But then after it's done, it's all worth it.

(He's obviously never been in labor).

Annette: There's not room for an ironing board, so we're out looking at an over- the- door one.
Misty: But what will you set everything on? (lol) After watching you for all my life, I know you always put everything on the ironing board. (lol)
Annette: Prescisely. That is why it's good there won't be a standing ironing board. Then I can't set every thing on it that doesn't belong there. (Stash and Dash)


tingey said...

it looks great....can't wait to see it?

Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

You should host a laundry room open house. You could have banners and balloons. And cupcakes.

Unknown said...

It looks awesome!!!!!! I want to see pictures in 6 months however :)

Angie Crompton Murphy said...

that looks so great. i love the color and organization. the lines look very nicely "cut" too. thanks again for watching the kids.

JAL said...

Your laundry room is so CUTE and so ORGANIZED--you put me to shame.

I love it. I also love it that you, Gary, and Natalie all worked together on this creation!