Crinkled Oranges

Sunday, August 30, 2009


My homework assignment
for an informal workshop I'm attending
(once a week for the next few weeks),
is to take my
"emotional temperature" 
several times a day.
At the very least I'm supposed to write down
the emotion I'm feeling when I go to bed
and when I first wake up in the morning.
I haven't been doing my homework very well.

Right now I'm watching
"The Pursuit of Happyness" 
with Gary and Natalie.
I'm feeling very sad and anxious.
It had better end well, 
or I'm going to add "mad" to the list.

(Epilogue:  no need to add it)


Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

Okay, Annette, what is this class? In the efforts to be a good visiting teacher message receiver and giver I am interested in "learning." It sounds fascinating. I'm serious, I want to know.

And I thought "Pursuit of Happiness" was too much pursuit and not enough happiness! I am still recovering from that movie and I saw it a long time ago. I loved that it was based on a true story buy Holy Moley, give me more than sixty seconds of happiness.

Misty B. said...

I don't recommend judging any emotions after seeing that movie. That movie is very disturbing. And we do need more info about this class!