Crinkled Oranges

Friday, August 21, 2009

Blessings of Friendship

My friend Dianne B. was at Yoga today,
and as we were talking after
we decided that since we had a lot to talk about
we may as well go get a
Jamba Juice.
(The peach is really yummy)

I met Dianne when we moved into the 16th Ward back in 1985. We've been "partners in crime" on lots of different projects through the years, whether it be with church callings or PTA Teacher Appreciation. Since the 16th ward dissolved 3 years ago, we haven't had the project opportunities, but we still bounce ideas off each other about whatever one or the other of us is working on. Today the topic of discussion was a lesson she's planning for Relief Society. I'm not sure our discussion helped her any. But, it always feels good to share your feelings about different subjects and know that a friend is listening with an open heart and without judgment.

That's just ONE
of the many blessings
of having good friends.


Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

Isn't it wonderful that you have kept close, even thought the "Sunday friendship" is no longer available. That's what real friends are, someone who remains close even thought distance doesn't. I'll bet she gives great lessons, too.

tingey said...

I thought maybe she was one you bounce "CUPCAKE" recipies off of. Maybe I was wrong, NOT!

Tom Anderson said...

I have had some friends like that and they are blessings. You are one of them for me, even though I tease you. But, I am not too bad a tease, ask Charlene. She's a blamer. She blames her many (JK) psychological issues on me feeding her grass when she was young. Really, how could that cause any problems???