Crinkled Oranges

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


I think that was the word
I was searching for yesterday

as I tried to figure out how I was feeling.
Thanks for the pep talks,
my friends.

I needed that validation, I guess.

Now I'm feeling like

(a book popular in the seventies
when my mind was still very impressionable)

"Harris' context for the book:

The body of the book starts with the observation that historic attempts to understand human nature have long recognised that individual personalities have multiple facets. Harris acknowledges the great advance made by Sigmund Freud in describing those facets in abstract terms such as Id, Ego and Superego, but also the challenge of trying to apply them to help his clients resolve their problems (and the challenge of trying to get Freud’s followers to agree on a consistent model)."

Okay From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:

Okay, OK, Oh Kay or O.K. is a colloquial English word denoting approval, assent, or acknowledgment that has been a loanword from English for many other languages. As an adjective it means 'adequate', 'acceptable' ("this is okay to send out"), often in contrast to 'good' ("the food was okay"); it also functions as an adverb in this sense. As an interjection, it can denote compliance ("Okay, I will do that"), agreement ("Okay, that's good"), a wish to defuse a situation or calm someone ("It's okay, it's not that bad"). As a noun and verb it means 'assent'. ("The boss okayed the purchase") The origins of 'okay' are not known with certainty, and have been the subject of much discussion over the years.

The book was also fodder for lots of jokes

when the third line was added:

I'm OK

You're OK

"We're all OK"

If, after reading this in-depth analysis of being OK,
you're feeling not OK,
That is OK.


Tom Anderson said...

OK, I am confused again. But, I guess that is OK.

tingey said...

Its time to get back to the blog's that we can make fun off. OK, these last blog's are pulling hard at the heart string's and you know my heart lie's with making fun of.....well you know. Is that OK?

Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

Is it okay to call Dianne, Carol and Carol, Dianne? And if I take treats to Carol and it's really Dianne, then what? I think I'll just leave them on the doorstep and not try to remember who is who. Or is it "whom"? Is that okay, do you think?

Meg McGraw said...

I love your Blog it is so full of life which is going to help inspire me to reach for more in my own life. What a gift to treasure and I appreciate that so much.