Crinkled Oranges

Saturday, April 4, 2009

More Perspective

I love General Conference.

I love hearing the insights and reassurances of the
apostles, prophets, and general presidencies.
The messages always seem to reach right into the
hearts and concerns of the times and the people.
That shouldn't surprise me.
After all, they are inspired men and women
who are called to do just that.

Elder Quentin Cook today touched on my question of yesterday.
How did the early church members leave everything?

To very loosely paraphrase him:

"Early European converts overcame many stumbling blocks because they knew that revelation comes from Heaven. They were not fearful of the arduous journey they were undertaking because they had faith in the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. They came to understand that the destination was not really the Salt Lake Valley but that the ultimate destination was paradise followed by exaltation. Though the journey is fraught with tribulation, the destination is truly glorious."

They had perspective.
They could look beyond the hardships and trials of this life
and know that "All is Well, All is Well."

I'm so grateful for my ancestors who had the strength and faith
to follow what they knew was the truth.
Without them, where would I be right now?
And I mean that literally.


Unknown said...

annette...... Elder Cook is my mothers grandmother is a Cook. Something to think about, can you believe that there are church going people in my family.....duke

Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

If we had faith like that we could move mountains. And yet, we probably do have faith like that, we are just called upon to handle different trials. You have faith like that Annette. I know it.