Crinkled Oranges

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Stapler Challenged

For several days I’ve been wondering
if I’m "stapler challenged."

I use a stapler a lot at this proctoring job and

it worked great until I needed to refill it.

I found some staples, and loaded it up.

From that point on, I had continual problems.

The stapler would get jammed up

and I would have to pry staples out,

only to have the same thing happen again.

I reached such a frustration point that

I just went into a classroom and

switched the jammed stapler with a new one.

I figured the teacher

(who happens to be someone I know quite well)

could deal with it.

But, once again, when it came time to refill the

stolen one the same thing happened.

I pried out stuck staples

again, and again, and again.

Finally, I asked, “Why isn’t this working?”

Well, guess what?

Did you know staples come in different sizes?

There are deeper ones

that can staple through more sheets

and there are the regular ones.

Well, I was using deep staples

that didn’t fit in the regular stapler.

What do you know,

I learn something new every day.


Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

Does this mean you are one staple short of a stapler? At least you didn't staple your finger...or did you?

Annette said...

Didn't staple my finger, but I'm definitely short something. What it is depends on the day!