I try these again.
Though I was somewhat more successful with the second try
(I used smaller amounts of cake mixture for each cupcake),
they still don't look as cute as the sample pictures.
I'm pretty sure I won't be trying them again real soon.
I'll have to forget how long they took
me and what a big mess I made.
One thing I'll for sure
do again is this:
Can you tell what the white flowers are?
And just think,
if I had given in to all the flack I get
for all the "Studio 5" shows I DVR,
I wouldn't have seen
this very cute cupcake bouquet idea.
(I used smaller amounts of cake mixture for each cupcake),
they still don't look as cute as the sample pictures.
I'm pretty sure I won't be trying them again real soon.
I'll have to forget how long they took
me and what a big mess I made.
One thing I'll for sure
do again is this:
if I had given in to all the flack I get
for all the "Studio 5" shows I DVR,
I wouldn't have seen
this very cute cupcake bouquet idea.
Oh, no. If you don't like to make these pops then I won't like to and I want to try them so badly. Drats. I guess what I really want to do is to eat them but I'm trying to avoid sugar so guess it's a good thing you warned me off.
But, I admire you for trying yet another hard thing. And the "flower" arrangement is darling.
I never dreamed cupcakes could be so beautiful and so clever! Keep posting these fun pictures. I still don't know where you find the time.
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