Crinkled Oranges

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Provo Cemetery

Though we had taken the flowers to the cemetery earlier, we always like to go down on Sunday evening or Monday morning. The Provo Cemetery is beautiful with wave after wave of flowers dotting the entire cemetery. We saw families gathering around headstones and others apparently giving tours of family graves. It made me realize that next time we have all the grandchildren in that we should take them to the cemetery to show them where their great-grandparents are buried.

We also have the tradition of taking pictures at all the headstones, so that's what we did again. I have years of pictures taken on Memorial Day. Pictures taken from the time that the girls were just little. Each time I think I want to post some of the older pictures, I realize that I would have to scan them in. Which, at the end of the day, I have neither the time or energy to do.

I think I will make it a summer goal to get all my pre-digital pictures either scanned in or digitized.

In the meantime, here are our pictures from this year.

Me and Gary behind my Mom and Dad's headstone.

Gary and Natalie at his Mom and Dad's headstone.

Me and Natalie at our daughter Annalee's grave.

Gary and Natalie at our daughter, Emily's, grave.

My nephew, Chuck, and
niece, Christine's, headstone.

The beautiful inscription on top of the bench

Kahill Gibran


Misty B. said...

Unfortunately, I've been bad about passing this tradition on to my kids. I don't want my kids to be scared of cemeteries. I need to start taking them more often. Thanks for the good heritage!

Richard said...

How did I know I would find the pictures I wanted to see of Provo cemetary at your blog? That's an easy one. Thanks! I made a comment on your previous entry, but since I'm a blogger novice, it's under "anonymous."

Kind of strange, yet also quite common I think, how memories, images, and impressions of Mother and Dad seem, in my daily living, to actually appear more frequently and unexpectedly as I pass farther into my "Golden Years."


Thanks again for the pictures and your ever tender and insightful reflections.

tingey said...

When you see gravestones and cemetaries it puts life into pespective. Someday perhaps our kids will be visiting our grave's. It makes you want to be better because the end is now in site. The one great thing we have in life is knowing if we live right we will be together in the next life.....