Crinkled Oranges

Friday, May 22, 2009

Last Day of Work

I'm sitting here in the empty school room
waiting for Gary to get done for the day.
It feels kind of sad.
There are no computers left.
I've taken all my signs off the chalkboard.
I've erased all my documents on the computer.
I've cleaned out the desk.

I won't miss the early and long days,
but I've enjoyed the relationships I've been able to develop.
I've enjoyed coming in to work each day with Gary.
He will miss me coming into work with him each day.
I know he much prefers that to
leaving in the mornings while I'm still sound asleep.
I can't blame him there.

I think he will miss being MY BOSS.
Let's face it, it's the only time in 35 years that he has been.
(He doesn't know that, so please don't mention it to him)
Anyone who knows Anderson women is sure to
understand that principle.

But I love him, so I'll ease him back to reality gently.


Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

This also means that you can come back to personal history. Woo hoo!

tingey said...
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tingey said...

Are you ever right about anderson women! I know that while you were siting there the best friend you have in the world called! (I wonder who?)

Annette said...

This is really Gary not Annette and I must say that while I was Annette's boss for a few weeks, I'm not the least bit concerned that she will let me get used to it!

Love you dear,
