Crinkled Oranges

Thursday, May 28, 2009

You don't even want to know

the mess I'm in.

Let's just say
they don't look like this
from the website

Mine look like this

Pretty sad, huh?
Kind of look like acorns.

After further evaluation,
I've decided I made the dough balls too big
and made the tops too tall.
I refuse to give up, though.
I've only ruined half of the dough,
so tomorrow I'm giving it another try.

PS: If anyone in the close vicinity wants to taste some acorns, let me know. I definitely won't be taking them to my luncheon on Saturday.

1 comment:

Misty B. said...

Those are adorable. I'm glad you're doing all the experimenting for me. Your's really don't look that bad. I wish I could taste one!