Crinkled Oranges

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Early St. Patricks day breakfast

Since we're not really into getting up any
earlier than necessary,
since I'll be at the RS dinner on Tuesday night,
we had our green St Patricks Day breakfast
for dinner today.

Thanks to Natalie and Gary for going green tonight
and cooking it all.


Pam's Place said...

Welllllll, I guess green pancakes are a little more appetizing than green eggs and ham :-) I think we'll stick with our corn beef and cabbage dinner for St. Patrick's Day.

Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

You need to be stopped. Someone needs to bring a big net and some chloroform.

But, secretly, I wish I were just like you. Sadly, I'm not. You are amazing.

I don't even do corned beef and cabbage. I'm uninspiring. You and Pam win, hands down.

Anonymous said...

Gary not sure that went over big, maybe Nat. did all the cooking just don't see Gary in the kitchen....sorry Garwaa, that is what it all boils down to....duke

Astromom said...

Very cute. I'll have to try the green eggs and pancakes. I love your cute blog, it just fits you.