Crinkled Oranges

Friday, March 6, 2009

Thoughts at Yoga

Today at Yoga my teacher and friend, Elizabeth, did a visualization exercise at the end. It was a visit to a "Sensory House," so to speak. I'll have to get a copy of it and post it here so I can remember it.

In the visualization you went into the room of Sight, Smell, Hearing, Touch, etc. In each room you would clear it out and scrub it clean. The image that came to me was of myself doing that "in a very loving way."

That was actually somewhat of an inspiration to me, because usually when I'm cleaning or sorting I'm doing it in a frustrated or angry at myself way. Like, "Why have I let it reach this point," or "It's just all too much," or "I should just take everything and throw it in a bag and toss it." In my visualization I was looking with fondness on all that was mine yet able to discard or value it depending on what it was and if it had "served it's purpose." I guess the message that came to me was: If something brings you joy, embrace it, value it, and take care of it. If at task is essential and you are going to be doing it anyway, then think positively about it.

I have been very amazed that my mind has been able to relax the way it has at Yoga. Most of the time my thoughts can't stay quiet enough to let thoughts or inspiration in. Yet in the quiet times of Yoga, there have been many times when I have received very random impressions that seem to come from nowhere.

Oh, there is so much more to learn . . .

1 comment:

Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

Very interesting. I will be interested to read the sensory house visualization.

A friend of yours says you have so much eneryg and get so much done so don't worry, you out do everyone else so look at all the "stuff" and rejoice.