Crinkled Oranges

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

I Do feel Very Lucky

I do feel so very lucky.

I made this cute card, and several more,
at the home of a friend in our ward.
This friend is amazing in that she shares her time,
her talents, and her resources so freely.
Each month she provides to a group of ladies
all the materials to make several very cute cards.
How she comes up with such cute things is beyond me.
Her generosity is inspiring.

Earlier I went to a training for a 5 week stint
working as a testing proctor.
I'm a little nervous about it, as it has been a long time since
I've had a "nine to five" type of job,
Though, in this case, it will be 7:30 to 2:30.
It's made a lot less intimidating by the fact that
Gary will be the test administrator,
It helps to know I have an inside track if
I have questions or need moral support.
He inspired me as I watched him help give the training,
(and I thought he looked really handsome, too)

Before the training, I went to a personal history writer's group.
Lynn, my blogging friend, has been encouraging me to come.
I could only be there for a short time,
but it was enough to make me want to continue.
I left feeling inspired and warmed by friendship.

Before that, I went visiting teaching to three ladies
whose life circumstance are very different.
Yet all are striving to be the best people they can be.
I left visiting teaching feeling inspired by people's goodness.

Before that I went to yoga,
where I always feel inspired.
(Though I did have to leave early
because I started having one of my coughing spells)
I don't feel inspired by my cough that won't seem to go away,
but that is really the only
thing I can even think to complain about.

I Really Am Lucky

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