Crinkled Oranges

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


I love lots of
Here are a few of them:

One is my Bosch mixer that can
knead up to 8 loaves of bread at a time.
Another is my convection oven that can cook 8 loaves of bread at one time.
(or three shelves of cookies, etc)

Another is warm homemade bread

with peanut butter and honey.

(that is if I can get my hands on it first)

That's just a very small list,
but these are fresh on my mind today.

And since it is our friend, Dukes, birthday,
I'm putting one of these loaves in the freezer for the
next time we see you!


Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

I have never learned how to use my convectdion oven. I need lessons from you.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for reminding me how old I am. Of course I am still the youngest in the group. I want everyone on this site to understand that the G.ashton's and family are the best!!!!!duke
PS: Im not pulling a duke when I say this.