Crinkled Oranges

Thursday, October 29, 2009


"Guy" has been a part of our family
for more than 20 years. 
She was once known as "Witchy"
until our granddaughter, Eliza,  renamed her.   
Eliza was here at Halloween when she was
about 2 and was very concerned about "Guy." 
She always wanted to check
to see if "Guy" was there,
but didn't want to get too close. 
When she came back for Christmas that year,
she expected "Guy" to still be sitting in the chair. 
I don't know if she was relieved
or disappointed that she wasn't. 

Here is a picture of Eliza at that time.
(obviously not with Guy,
she wouldn't get that close)

I copied  "Guy" from a witch 
my friend had bought. 
My "Guy" has never been as cute as hers,
but I love her anyway. 
She's literally been dragged through the
streets on Halloween night
(we found her in the middle of the road
and didn't recover one of her shoes
from a bush until the next summer). 
Since that time I've made her stay
inside on Halloween night. 

I wasn't sure which angle was
best for her features,
so I've taken two pictures.

She has my ankles
and Gary's calves

October just wouldn't be complete
if "Guy" weren't around.


Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

Oh my. I'm not so sure I want to get too close either although I'd love to have ankles OR calves that thin. but the knees! What a hoot.

I can just imagine what motorists thought when they saw her in the road. So glad she was rescued and the shoe? Too funny.

Laura said...

Great story. I love the family pictures on your blog. The one of all the framed grandkids is adorable.

Angie Crompton Murphy said...


I love "guy" and that picture of Liza is so cute. Hard to believe she was ever that small.