Crinkled Oranges

Saturday, October 31, 2009


Too much of it.

I'm still working on getting Natalie's old
room ready to be a guest room. 
I've been procrastinating.
It's overwhelming.
I have too much stuff.
Knowing that, why do I keep getting more stuff?
Because I like stuff.

How does the saying go,
"You can never get enough of
that which you do not need."

Anyway, Gary said we would go out
today and find a bed for the guest room,
so that gave me a little incentive.
I got the room almost cleaned up,
went to the BYU Soccer game,
went bed shopping,
and am now I am up and down
answering the doorbell.

Speaking of Halloween
Happy Anniversary to my husband.
42 years ago today,
as we were trick or treating
with a group of friends,
he officially asked me to
"go with him."
(basically meaning we officially
liked each other)


Tiffany said...

Can't wait to sleep in the new bed! Your halloween masks were terrifying! Glad we were able to do the webcam. The kids loved seeing you.

Unknown said...

Good luck with the bedroom. I could help. We threw out 8 garbage bags of Christa's old clothes when we did a junk internvetion at her house a few years go.

42 years ago...that is a lifetime. Congratulations.