Crinkled Oranges

Monday, October 5, 2009


I don't know why, but I'm very tired today.
I hope I'm not coming down with something.
I've done a little cleaning and a little sewing,
but not enough to make me tired.

General Conference renewed our resolve
to read the Book of Mormon,
and just as we finished that tonight
the doorbell rang.
There was Sharilyn and her cute niece, Skyler.
They brought us some delicious
chocolate-chocolate chip cookies.
We quickly gulped them down with milk.
Somehow I'm feeling less tired now.
Chocolate will always do that for me.

PS:  Lydia called to remind me that in Missouri they don't call the rolls "Sticky Buns," but rather "Monkey Bread."  I think I'll keep making that mistake just so I can hear Lydia's cute voice on the phone.


Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

I read a scary article about milk on Meridian Magazine today. You're lucky you're not more tired. I say this as I just ate some nachos with cheese.

Sticky buns or monkey bread, it all tastes the same, right?

Go to bed and wake up energized.

Tom Anderson said...

Hope you are feeling better soon. It must be in the air because I was tired all day also and had no reason to be. Take care of yourself.