Crinkled Oranges

Monday, October 26, 2009

A Renewed

commitment to exercise.
Now, how many times
in my life have I said that?
But I guess the fact that I'm still
saying it is worth something.

I love food. 
I love sweet food. 
I love to bake.
So, I'm telling myself that I can have
those foods I love in moderation
(a concept that is somewhat foreign to me).
Then if I exercise more,
maybe I can attain
and maintain a healthy weight
and just plain feel better.

So, once again,
I'm committing to exercising
at least 5 times a week.
I've been very consistent with doing 3 days. 
Two days for yoga.  One day at the gym.
So adding two more days is doable.

Today I was heading to the gym.
Then I got sidetracked by the gorgeous
(if not a little chilly) day.
Instead I walked the Provo Trail.
It was beautiful.  

So, on the days I exercise,
I'm going to put three little ***
at the bottom of my blog.

Nothing like being accountable.


Angie Crompton Murphy said...

Good for you- taking another leap. Three days of exercising is impressive already. I'd like sweet things much more if I got to eat what you make...........

Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

If you forget you saw me today in my unwashed state I won't comment when there are no *** at the bottom of your blog. I look better now but after a long day, maybe not.

I watched a food show once about two girls who were great exercisors--is that a word--anyway, they HAD to eat and eat and eat--they owned a bakery--in order to have enough calories to burn off. I can't remember what they did, something competitive, I think. Just think, they invented the ultimate chocolate chip cookie--it won over Bobby Flay's challenge--so they could get enought calories.


Tom Anderson said...

Good luck on your exercise. I will be looking for ***, just so you know that you are being held accountable!!

Pam's Place said...

You are such a good example to me, Annette, in so many things. I'm sporadic at exercise, but need to commit like you have.

Keep up the good work, you'll be pencil-thin in no time.