Crinkled Oranges

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Does a Cookie Sheet with a Lid fit in it?

It's been a long day.
It started early with Gary and me playing tennis.
Wait a minute, that was yesterday.
Today we went on a walk.
No, yesterday we went on a walk.
(I remember now because it was Pioneer Day
and they were having the 5K race festivities at

when we were out walking)
So, it was today that we played tennis.

I told you it had been a long day.

I'll write about
"Does a Cookie Sheet with a lid fit in it?" tomorrow.


Tiffany said...

can't wait!

Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

That is one walk and some tennis more than we did around here. And are there cookies in that cookie sheet. Makes me want to bake, just thinking about it.