Crinkled Oranges

Friday, July 31, 2009

Life is Fragile

Today I can't stop thinking about how fragile life is.
As I was visiting with friends after yoga today,
I learned of some sad situations that people
I know are now facing in their lives.
One because of bad lifestyle choices.
One because of bad choices made in desperation.

I've thought of my cousin who lost her husband,
and how I just learned that her son with three children
went through a divorce just a month before that.
This same cousin is also raising three of her other
grandchildren because of her daughter's drug abuse.
Yet, she is a strong woman who stays positive.

Life full of twists and turns that we don't plan on or want.
Dealing with our own or a loved one's infirmities,
drudgery, uncertainty, exhaustion.

There is much sorrow, much pain, much loneliness.
There are lives of quiet desperation.

My heart hurts for those who feel these sorrows
for their own lives or for the lives of
those they love.

My greatest heroes are the people who,
as the song says,

"Walk through the storm with their heads held high."
Who have resiliency.
Who have faith, and hope,
and have found peace and strength
through prayer and an
understanding of the eternal plan.

They deserve a special place in heaven.


tingey said...

I liked last nights blog, you can have fun with those kind of columns.

Tonight made me think and shed some tears for the great people that stand close to those going through hard times. I want in my life hard times if it will less'n those time's for my frinds. I want to thank those of you who stand bye people like me at time's we need you the most. You know who you are, and what great and wonderful people you have become.

Astromom said...

I know so many people like that, I hope when/if (I hope not) this happens in my life I can keep my head high and positive. My lesson today was about Zion's camp and part of the Trial of Faith was not complaining and I thought about our Zion's camp of life. Interesting reflections, thank you.