Crinkled Oranges

Thursday, July 16, 2009

My Three Brothers

When I was young and talked about how many
children I wanted, I usually said I wanted about 5.
But, I always said I wanted a boy first.
Boys were obviously not in the plan for us,
and I wouldn't trade any of my girls for a boy.
But, my reason for wanting a boy first was
because I loved having older brothers.
I always felt so protected and watched over.
(and occasionally teased)

We've had a wonderful day,

even though I did further build my reputation of

somehow being directionally challenged.

I (very unintentionally)
misled the golfers on where
the golf course was.
I wasn't there (fortunately),
while they went 12 miles into the
middle of nowhere to find the
golf course that was actually
just 2 miles away.

While they were getting lost,
Lynn, Lynn, and I did our patriotic duty
and stimulated the economy by shopping.

Then we've had a day of eating, talking,
and watching a beautiful photo and music DVD
of the Anderson family put together by Richard.


tingey said...

Tom seem's calm around Gary. I thought for sure after the instruction time Gary had with Tom's gkids? Owell, I guess if your family, there are some thing left unsaid?

Marci said...

How fun to see you all together, having a good time! Tell everyone hello from me, can't wait to see you all next week!

Misty B. said...

Don't worry Mom, I've got the big brother thing covered. Hopefully Lydia feels the same about her brothers as you did yours. Let's all just pray this next one is a girl. Then she really will be youngest of 5 with 3 brothers. You and her will have a lot in common. Love, Misty

Astromom said...

Looked like a fun family gathering